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Obama Gunning for White House-Crashing Real Housewives Wannabes

  hmmm mmmm , let this have been Shaniqa and nem and this would be an arrest warrant.?? Thank God this wasn't the TSA huh??  Look out, Balloon Brood, you've got a couple other reality-TV-aspiring jokers ready to give you a run for your money felony count. The Virginia couple who managed to crash a state dinner at the White House this week and get up close and personal with President Barack Obama is the subject of a federal investigation, officials announced Friday.

At the behest of the president himself, investigators for the Secret Service are seeking evidence to potentially file charges against Michaele and Tareq Salahi—a couple attempting to land a spot on Bravo's upcoming Real Housewives of D.C.

The Salahis on Tuesday snuck into the president's first state dinner, honoring the prime minister of India, then posted pictures of themselves hobnobbing with dignitaries, including the veep, on Mrs. Salahi's Facebook page.

The couple, who were aiming for a slot on Bravo's upcoming Real Housewives of D.C., had been scheduled for a gratis interview on CNN's Larry King Live on Monday. But now they've scrapped that freebie and, according to The New York Times, are looking for something on the order of $100,000-plus to dish on their potentially criminal hijinks.

And now Bravo, on the verge of launching the latest installment in its popular reality franchise, is scrambling to distance itself from any shenanigans, insisting that the Salahis participation has "not been finalized." To be continued

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