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Barcelona's Fashion Night Out

Last Thursday it was the Fashion Night Out here at Barcelona, some shops were open until 12 o'clock and there was a lot of people around Passeig de Gracia, the main street where the event was.

 Christmas lights are finally on in Barcelona!
(more about this night here!)

Laia Chic and Laia talked for La Vanguardia tv

For me, the most interesting thing about the event was the showroom at the Majestic Hotel, one of the most beautiful around the city.

 With Aitor, a friend... I didn't expected him there!

At the showroom we had a look at the collections of Manuel Bolaño and American Perez... without doubt, they both were my favourite ones! I also liked some of Maria Escoté's gloves.

 I simply adore these shoes from Manuel Bolaño!

It was great seeing many people that I had not seen for a long time, Like Albert and Javi!

And I met Alicia, a lovely girl who's a follower of Not here to Please You... thank you, Alicia! it was really really nice to meet you, I was so happy! Thanks for your support!!

Oh, by the way... this is what I was wearing:

 Sweater - Sonia Rykiel pour H&M
Skirt - Mango
Tights - H&M
Shoes - Promod
Flower - Blanco

Are you doing something interesting this weekend? I'm doing a Sailor & pirates' party for my birthday... it isn't until 9th of December but as that day is Thursday, we're doing it today!

I almost forgot!! I'm doing a Christmas Contest at Bunnies are Pirates too! with some other cute shops! If you're interested in it, have a look at here or here!

And I've been featured in Fashion Collision, thanks to Jersey Ferrari!

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