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Provided for Review: I'm From Ginseng Serum

Hello Princesses!
Today I'm going to be talking about the I'm From Ginseng Serum! This serum was kindly sent to me for review by Wishtrend, and this is my first ever skincare product that uses Ginseng!

Concentrated ginseng extract found in the Ginseng Serum enhances blood circulation to make the complexion more fresh and lively. It then acts to replenish nutrients to the skin to smoothen and restore youth. Formulated with 7.98% concentrated ginseng extract, the Ginseng Serum is designed to naturally enhance blood circulation to make your complexion look more lively while replenishing the necessary nourishment for healthier, younger skin.
The packaging of this serum is quite pretty and very functional. It has a dropper top to dispense the serum which ensures the serum stays hygienic, and the dropper disperses the perfect amount of serum for me. The instructions say to use 3-4 drops and my dropper hold slightly more than four drops.
The Serum has a pale orange colour, a fairly thick viscosity and smells heavily of Ginseng. The scent is both a positive point as well as a negative for me, at first the scent was overwhelming and made me feel a little sick, however after time I got used to the smell and I actually kind of like it now.
I use my hands to apply this serum because the heat from my hands helps the serum absorb faster. I find the serum spread evenly over my skin easily, but it does take a couple of minutes to sink in. I believe this is also because I do use quite a lot of it, but the more I use the nicer my skin looks so I'm happy to wait! It does leave a slightly sticky finish on my skin, but I would usually apply an Emulsion and a Cream over the top, so the finish doesn't bother me.
In these before and after photos there isn't too much difference, but ok, look at how plump and hydrated my skin actually looks. I have never seen my skin look so pretty (even though there is clearly a fat blackhead by my nose) I don't think I've ever seen my skin look so nice.
What I Love
- Inexpensive at around $30USD
- Pretty, functional packaging
- Smells heavily of Ginseng
- Easy to apply
- Makes my skin look super plump, hydrated and pretty

What I Don't Love
- Smells heavily of Ginseng
- Takes a little time to absorb
- Leaves a slightly sticky feeling on the skin

Final Thoughts
I am absolutely in love with this serum, the negative points that I listed are either things that don't bother me, or things I can fix or get over. I now quite like the scent, though if you're very affected by heavy scents you might need to think about it, and since I use quite a lot of the serum it does take a while to absorb and leaves a slight stickiness to my skin. I'm not sure if it's something special about this serum in particular, or if it's Ginseng that's really complimenting my skin, so I will definitely be trying out some other Ginseng based products to see what makes this serum work so nicely with my skin. If this product wasn't sent to me for review it would quite honestly be reviewed as a Holy Grail item because I am absolutely addicted to using it and I haven't felt this happy about a skincare product in a while! It just makes my skin look and feel so plump and hydrated, and the effect doesn't fade throughout they day either, my face still looks baby soft at the end of the day too, I love it so much!

I would recommend the I'm From Ginseng Serum to any Princesses who are looking for an inexpensive serum that plumps and hydrates skin beautifully!

Thank you to Wishtrend for sending this Serum for review, if you would like an extra $5 off any purchase feel free to use my coupon code:109395101

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