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Kim and Kanye 'Super Small and Intimate' Wedding

Kim Kardashian insists her wedding with Kanye West will be super small and intimate. This goes against everything we were expecting for this larger life couple.

Despite reports, it will be extravaganza affair, Kim shuts them down insisting the ceremony will be nothing as we would expect. Kim admits, friends and family members have being asks about the guest list everyday.

She told Ryan Seacrest "we're having a super small wedding. As we are going along we're realizing that we just want it to be more small and intimate than than people are imagining and thingking."

The wedding will be in Paris in May but this is all Kim is revealing for now. Another hot topic for this couple is having more children. Kim gives us that answer on that burning question as well.

Kim who has a 8 month old daughter said "I dont think I could have more than three kids. that would be my absolute tops. Or should North being an only child.

Previous post: Kanye West Inspired Kylie Jenner to Work Harder


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