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You know the old saying.  What have you been doing all this time blank blank that's so obvious has been going on?  Have you been livng under a rock.  Well for a Hispanic couple in Coahulla, Mexico, their thirty year home is under a 130 foot boulder. 

Living fifty miles away from Texas, Benito Hernandez and Santa Martha de la Cruz Villarreal earn a living from farming.  Or rather, Benito Hernandez does the farming in the household.  They have seven children.  One of the childrn still lives under a rock and the other six are married and lives nearby the rock.  Living under a rock has been a childhood dream of Benito Hernandez ever since he saw the rock at the age of eight.  He's a farming who harvests Candelilla plants to make Candelilla wax (Which is very important to the citizens of Mexico).  You can't make either bubble gum or varnish without Candelilla wax. 

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