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Kanye West reveals his father's priceless reaction to his 4,000-acre ranch

The reaction is short but it says it all.

Kanye West released the afternoon of Friday, the 8th, the music video for "Follow God". The song is part of the rapper's 11th studio album, Jesus Is King. At the end of the video, Kanye gives a vent about his family relationships:

Kanye takes his father Ray West to his new ranch in Wyoming in the music video “Follow God,” the first official video from the album Jesus Is King. The look begins with Ray asking, "What does it really mean to follow God?" In a narration before talking about how Kanye and his brothers got scared the first time they walked in the snow. "I said to them, 'Instead of creating your own footprints, walk in the footsteps I've already made.'" Ray and Kanye do not walk much in the video, choosing to cross the snow of Wyoming in a vehicle.

The song addresses possible past problems between Kanye and his father. But it looks like they really are fine now. And if that's not enough to warm your cold heart when it comes to Kanye, just read what he wrote at the end of the video about his father's first visit to his big Wyoming ranch:

“It took me 42 years to realize that my father was my best friend. He asked me, 'How many acres are there?' I told him 4,000. He answered with these three words: 'A black man?' Kanye's father's short but very representative answer says it all. Ray West was part of the Black Panthers and was the first black journalist of the Chicago Tribune, the largest in the city.

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