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ooops...Vogue UK makes an error

You know how it is, you make a piece trying to be all politically correct and stuff, then you make an error which is picked up on by the world's press who are only too happy to tear into you.
This is exactly what happened to Vogue UK last month with their piece on Asian models. (now, I read the piece and I have to say, I am all over American Vogue at the moment because UK Vogue is tired and boring )
Vogue decided to do a piece on the rise of Asian models within the industry, but they captioned two models incorrectly, swapping Du Juan with Liu Wen. OOOPS!
I think it comes across like a bad error. Not racism, which is what is being suggested by a few fashion sites/other magazines who are gleefully using the oppertunity as a chance to take Vogue down a few pegs. Now it's sloppy for a magazine which are renown and famous for being a fashion bible and guide to the industry. But then UK Vogue is, let's face it. Shit at the moment.
They need to shake it up and produce a thicker magazine - because it's boring, tired and past it. I don't even bother buying it at the moment.
There was a time when buying Vogue was, as Carrie Bradshaw once put it - more important then buying dinner because it fed you more. Now, I buy ELLE, they have the better writers, the better editorial and the better photoshoots. Vogue is just a let down. I made a pact with myself after I bought my 5th embarrassment of a magazine, I wouldn't buy again until it improved, so I haven't bought June - I've bought everything else on the stand. But not Vogue - anyone else with me on this?

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