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Favourite Moments Of 2015...

At the end of 2014 I wrote a piece rounding up my year, and the result was a ridiculously nostalgic post written when I was honestly really sad after battling through a bad breakup and a generally bad end to the year. And that's not what I want to do this year.

Truthfully, 2015 has been another difficult year, but I didn't want to do a self-depreciating "new year, new me" post, so instead I decided to look back through my instagram and share some of my favourite moments from the year!

Technically this photo was from 2014, but last New Year's Eve was easily one of my favourite moments as I got to ring in the new year with two of my absolute besties and it really helped me move into the new year feeling happy and hopeful with my gals by my side.

2015 was the year I met Rachelle, who was such a  positive ray of sunshine in my life right when I needed it. All my memories with Rachelle consist of being overly hyper, going to strange local gigs and laughing so hard my eyeliner was cried off. Rachelle is the perfect example of why female friends are essential and I'm massively thankful for her.

Read post about this necklace HERE
One of my favourite part of this year was the opportunities this blog gave me such as having the chance to collaborate with This Material Culture, an absolutely lovely brand that gifted me this necklace. It was so nice to work with such sweet people and honestly it made me feel so appreciated as they wanted to work with me and my teeny tiny little blog. And this arrow necklace has become my safety blanket, I couldn't love it anymore.

Read post about my haircut HERE
Before this year I was always super nervous about changing my hair (or really changing anything) but as the year went on my hair decisions have become braver and my chops have been going shorter and shorter (as my hair dresser says, "you'll come in one day and just ask me to shave it off!") But since having shorter hair I can't imagine going back to my long-lock days, I bloody love it! Possibly one of the best decisions of 2015.

This year I've become much more politically and socially aware. I spent a lot of time reading articles and re-searching issues that seemed to go amiss from mainstream media. I've learnt so much about the transgender community and issues they face, the massive issue of police brutality in America, struggles women face around the globe and I think I've generally become a more knowledgeable, aware person. I can't suggest enough that you take 5 minutes daily to read some articles on twitter, you'd be surprised how much BBC news doesn't tell you!

One of my favourite parts of 2015 has been my friendship with this lady. Immy has been my ultimate besties since we were in nappies but this year our friendship has become so insanely strong and we've supported each other through anything and everything. Love this gal all the world, the best friend a girl could have! Yay for strong female friendship!

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